Wednesday 18 January 2012



 Theories are scientific social thought. They are abstract logical prepositions regarding any phenomena.
        According to sociologist when social thought assumes scientific form, it becomes sociological theory. Sociology on the one hand
is social philosophy and on the other.Its major parts deals with sociological theories or sociology is the sociological theory itself.
   There are different opinion regarding the nature of sociological thory. According to some one theories are generalised conceptulaisations.
They are empirical generalaisations. According to them sociological theories are empirical generalaisations or abstract logical prepositions
regarding social phenomena.
   According to talkot parsons"Theoratical system in the present sense of a body of logicaly interdepentent generalised concept of empirical
  There for, Sociological theories provide a scientific environment for the proper understanding of social phenomena and their by help to make
scientific generalaization. In other words sociological theories make logical argument and scientific anaiysis an empirical generalaisation
regarding social phenomena such as family, state, religion, economy, education, language etc..

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